Looking After Our World
We have been discussing how important it is to look after our world and making pledges to go green. Our Eco Council have followed up our ideas and created and Eco Code for our school.

COP 26
What does 'COP26' mean?
COP stands for 'conference of parties' and is a meeting that involves lots of different people working towards the same goal. COP26 is the 26th meeting of members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and is a very important meeting discussing the action we need to take against climate change.
Countries agreed to:
- meet next year to pledge further cuts to emissions of carbon dioxide (which is a greenhouse gas that causes climate change)
- reduce use of coal
- increase money given to help poor countries cope with the effects of climate change
- stop deforestation by 2030 (leaders of more than 100 countries with 85% of the world's forests).
Go Green
Our school supported the Cafod Go Green Appeal in our Harvest Assembly. We wore green clothes to school to raise awareness and to raise money.